End of this May I uploaded my first app to playstore. It is not my first app but it is first to get chance to be on playstore. I have been developing apps since past 2 year, sometimes as a profession and sometimes as time pass. This app is part of time pass and part of my need. Lets talk about it a bit We nepal telecom user have been using WebSMS to send free websms to friends using NTC’s web portal.They recently have new domain http://www.meet.net.np/meet/ and new site for this purpose. They also have android App to easy out. But on their first version they hadn’t included websms feature and hence we have to openup browser, login and send the sms. As most of the time you could find people using phone and using browser on phone, going through pages to send a single sms become very tedious. As this becomes tedious to me, I started to think about alternatives. First, I go with a bash script using curl to do the http call and hence to do login and send sms for me. Soon after I felt need for an app which can do this thing. Searched on store to find any existing app but non were there and hence I decided to go for development myself. Initially, the app was simple, all it had was two text field, one to enter the recipient number and next for typing message, and a button to send the request. Soon after I find myself sending sms my one friend mostly. Hence, I need a setting screen with default recipient. So there after all I need is to set default recipient one time and then after I could just type the text and press send, which will send to default recipient by default.
By this way, I have a fully functional app with a decent setting option and capable to do its job. Soon I wanted to make it public so that other people like me could get benefited via it. And here goes my app on play store https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=np.com.bidaribishnu.meetsms After a couple of week on play store I got few comment and user engagements. I haven’t publicized it except on my close friend circle and I was delighted to get comment and rating from general user. One of the user was saying “I’m waiting this app since 5 year.thanks a lot”. I am happy because the app created my ease is helping others too. I am thinking of ammending it more to make it more stable and look nice. Lets C.